Role/Significance of the Journal, 
Relational Child and Youth Care Practice 
In Professionalism in the Field

The role of the journal of Relational Child and Youth Care Practice is to provide manuscripts on all aspects of relating to children and youth. While the journal gives particular attention to material that explores the interpersonal dynamics of professional practice, it gives consideration to all articles that assume a relational perspective. Topics such as cultural values, ethics, social policy, program design, supervision, education and training might be included.  

What is Working?

The journal of Relational Child and Youth Care Practice is working to promote professionalism in the field in that the articles and information that are presented therein serve to educate those who are students as well as those who are already working in the field.

What is not Working?

Carol Stuart is the author of Foundations of Child and Youth Care (2009). According to Carol Stuart, one of the biggest barriers to the professionalization of Child and Youth Care is the free market economy that we live and work in. Funding for the programs that hire Child and Youth Care Workers comes from the government, and the government is accountable to the general public. The public needs to be educated on the role of Child and Youth Care workers in order to provide support to the government who will fund Child and Youth Care programs. The articles that are found in this journal go a long way to describe how professionalism looks in the field of Child and Youth Care, but the general public does not read this journal. Because the journal does not serve to educate the general public, and professionalism in this field is determinate on the perception of this field by the general public, this journal does not have as much of an impact on creating professionalism in this field.

The Relational Journal of Child and Youth Care Practice

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This website was created in 2011 by Jean Braun and Kristy Jackson
 students in the Child and Youth Care (CYC) stream of the Human Services Diploma program 
as a project for the "Professionalism in Child and Youth Care" course 
at Selkirk College in Castlegar, BC, Canada.